- Notice of Privacy
- Cookie Policy
Notice of Privacy
In accordance with the disposition of the Federal Law of Personal Data Protection y Possession of Particulars (successively “Law of Data” and/or “Law”) and its Regulations, by means of the present Notice of Privacy, PEDRO DOMECQ S.A. DE C.V., informs its current as well as future customers, and web page users https://www.bodegasdomecq.com (“the Web Page”), the personal data that will be collected, as well as the purposes of the treatment to which the personal data in question will be subjected and the mechanisms to insure confidentiality, integrity and availability of said personal data.
- Identity and address of the responsible for personal data.
PEDRO DOMECQ S.A. DE C.V. (successively “the Company”) located at Presidente Masaryk No. 275, Polanco, 11560, CDMX; is responsible for the treatment of your personal information, in accordance to the present Notice of Privacy.
- Personal Data Collected.
For the purposes of the present Notice of Privacy, by “Personal Data” it will be understood that it concerns an identified or identifiable physical person; while “Sensitive Personal Data” refers to information that affects the most intimate sphere of its holder, and its improper use may give rise to discrimination or serious risk to such holder.
The Personal Data that the COMPANY collects are: (i) identification data (ii) contact information (iii) credit or debit card numbers and identification and contact data related to such bankcards. The COMPANY does not carry out treatment of Sensitive Personal Data.
The COMPANY will only collect and carry out treatment of Personal Data of persons over 18 years of age, with total legal capacity to bind, as well as to release their informed and free consent.
- Purpose of the treatment of your personal information.
The obtainment, use, access, management, administration, divulging or storage (successively “Treatment”) will be realized for the following purposes:
- Primary Purposes:
Identification and verification of identity.
Managing purchases of the service realized through such.
Attention to complaints, suggestions and comments from customers and webpage users.
Provide information regarding our products and services; as well as informative bulletins, communications, notices and newsletters.
Creation of databases of our customers and webpage users.
Comply with the different applicable and current legal ordainments, the contractual obligations that the COMPANY assumes facing you, as well as the requirements of local and federal authorities.
- Secondary purposes:
Realize market studies, direct marketing, and habits of consumer reports, statistical analysis, market trends and commercial prospection.
Send out commercial promotions, loyalty programs and event invites, be they from the COMPANY or a related COMPANY third party.
In case you do not agree that the COMPANY carry out the treatment of your personal information for the secondary purposes described, you must notify the COMPANY through e mail at: emociones@pedrodomecq.com. The decline for the treatment of the purposes described in the present paragraph will not be a reason for the COMPANY to deny the provision of requested products.
Together with the previous statements you can limit the use and release of your Personal Data by means of inscription in the Public Registry in charge of the Federal Consumer Agency.
- Transference of personal information.
The personal information collected by the COMPANY may be shared outside the country with controlling societies, subsidiaries and/or affiliates under the control of the COMPANY, as well as with the headquarters society of the COMPANY or any society from the same group that operates through the same processes and internal policies in matters of data protection.
- Means and procedures to Access, Rectify, Cancel, Oppose, limit the Treatment of Personal Information.
As a holder, you have the right to access your personal information, rectify your personal data when it’s inexact or incomplete; cancel your personal information, as well as the treatment of such, and to oppose its treatment (successively “ARCO Rights”)
You can enforce your ARCO rights by presenting in writing a ARCO Rights request at the e mail address: emociones@pedrodomecq.com. In any case the Request of ARCO Rights must contain the following: (i) Name of the holder and address or means by which to communicate the respective response (ii) documents that accredit identity, or in a given case, those of a legal representative (iii) clear and accurate description of the data that you wish to enforce any of the ARCO Rights upon (iv) documents or elements that facilitate the location of such information.
The COMPANY will provide procedure to the ARCO Rights Requests that it receives, as long as they comply with the previous paragraph’s minimal requirements. The COMPANY will communicate the determination adopted within a period of 20 days from the date that the Request of ARCO Rights is received, to the effect that such determination become effective within 15 days following the date of response communication of the respective ARCO Rights Request.
In addition, you may revoke the consent granted to the COMPANY for the Treatment of your Personal Information. To such matter it’s important to point out that not in all cases your Request or conclusion of Treatment may be attended immediately, because there may exist legal obligations in charge of the COMPANY, which may require the continuation of Personal Information Treatment.
To revoke you consent, you must present a Request of Consent Revocation at the e-mail address: emociones@pedrodomecq.com. . The COMPANY will process your Request of Consent Revocation as long as it contains the following: (i) Name and address of the holder or means by which to communicate our response (ii) documents that accredit identity, or in a given case, the legal representative (iii) Clear and accurate description of the personal data for which consent is being revoked. The time frames to provide response to Requests of Consent Revocations are the same as ARCO Rights.
- Security Measures.
The COMPANY has implemented administrative, technical and physical security measures, to the effect of safeguarding your personal information from possible safety infringements, such as non authorized loss or destruction; theft, misplacement or unauthorized copy; use, access or non authorized treatment; damage, alteration or unauthorized modification. You can contact us through emociones@pedrodomecq.com., to learn in further detail about the safety measures adopted by the COMPANY to protect your Personal Data.
We inform you that our webpage “https//www.bodegasdomecq.com” contains hyperlinks “links” and/or “banners” that redirect to webpages and third party pages. The COMPANY will not be liable of the Personal Data that you provide through webpages or pages other than “https//www.bodegasdomecq.com”. The COMPANY recommends its customers and users to verify the Privacy Notices of webpages and third party pages before providing any type of information.
- Cookies and web beacons.
We inform you that our webpage “https//www.bodegasdomecq.com” uses cookies through which it’s possible to monitor your behavior as Internet user, providing a better service and user experience while navigating our page, as well as offering you products and services based on your preferences.
The data that the COMPANY obtains through these tracking technologies are the following: Navigation time frame, protocol address (IP) of your device, operating system, time of navigation within our webpage, and pages accessed previous to ours. In no case such cookies personally identify the users of the webpage.
You can consult our Cookie Policy to find further information regarding such cookies, as well as the process to disable them.
- Changes to the Notice of Privacy.
The COMPANY reserves the right to carry out, at any moment, modifications or updates to the present Notice of Privacy, in an enunciatively manner however not limited, to the attention of jurisprudent or legislative updates, internal policies, new requirements for the providing or offering of our services or products and market practices.
Any change we carry out to this Notice of Privacy in the future will be available for consultation at our web page “https//www.bodegasdomecq.com”.
These general conditions (subsequently "General Conditions") regulate the legal relationship that springs from the contracting processes realized between our users-customers (subsequently "Customers") of our web page https://www.bodegasdomecq.com”.
1. Seller (Pedro Domecq, S.A. de C.V.)
Identity |
Postal Address |
Presidente Masaryk No. 275, Polanco, código postal 11560, Ciudad de México. |
Phone number |
646 155.22.49 y 646 103.36.85 Tracy Rojas |
2. Buyer
It is understood by Buyer any user over 18 that sings up. Consigning their personal information in the purchase form, once the general purchase conditions are accepted.
3. Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction
The present General Conditions are subject and will be regulated in accordance to that disposed within the Mexican laws in particular that of The Federal Consumer Protection, its Regulations and any other dispositions that result from their compliance.
The system of purchase is subject to the current legislation in Mexico, therefore sale operations will be understood to be realized at the address of PEDRO DOMECQ, S.A. DE C.V.: Presidente Masaryk No. 275, Polanco, código postal 11560, Ciudad de México.
4. Area of the Offer
The services offered through the webpage will only be provided at the address located at: Km. 73 Carretera Tecate el Sauzal, S/N, Valle de Guadalupe, Ensenada, Baja California, C.P. 22750 (“La Bodega”).
5. Purchase Limitations
PEDRO DOMECQ trough its webpage Pedro Domecq will only carry out sales to final consumers and does not allow the purchase of services for later resale.
Under the previous, the Customers can only contract the services that: (a) are available for purchase and whose details appear in the webpage; and (b) whose purpose is not for resale or obtainment of profit by the Customer.
The interested Customers must get in touch with Customer Service Attention where they will be informed about the different options to realize their desired purchase.
The interested Customers must get in touch with Customer Service Attention where they will be informed about the different options to realize their desired purchase.
6. Purchase Procedure
1. Selected Services
The services that you wish to purchase must be selected and added to the shopping bag by clicking on the corresponding icon. Each one of the services published will contain a description of its particular features and specifications, so that the Customers may make informed decisions regarding the commercial transaction.In the same manner, they will be informed about availability of schedules and dates of each service.
The Shopping Bag will contain the reference of the selected option(s), the number of service units and the price in Mexican pesos. The price quoted includes taxes.
2. Invoice and Delivery Data
The option “do you wish to invoice” will be presented and when selected the invoice information will be requested.
3. Payment Confirmation
When finalizing the selection of services the Customer must select “finalize Purchase” to have access to the purchases summary. . Before concluding the purchase, an identified summary of the acquired services will be presented, its total price (tax included) and invoice information (be it the case); in addition, in such section you may modify or cancel your purchase. In case of accepting the terms described in the purchase summary, the transaction must be confirmed by clicking "Confirm and proceed to safe payment”.
The purchases will be paid with credit or debit cards (see "Accepted Payment Methods"). To confirm purchase you must click “Pay”.
Once the transaction is confirmed, it will be communicated through the same page that the transaction was successful, as well as the confirmation number.
In addition, there will be sent an e-mail message, with a description of the purchase and the personal information that has been provided.
7. Accepted Means of Payment
For the payment of the acquired services through the webpage, payments made through debit or credit cards (VISA or MASTERCARD) will be accepted. The transactions will be carried out through the Openpay portal. In each case the Customer will select the payment option desired, in such manner that the acceptance of the conditions are guaranteed. PEDRO DOMECQ will indicate the means to obtain the fiscal proof or receipt of the commercial transaction.
The charge will be realized on line, that is to say in real time, through the corresponding financial portal, once the provided data is confirmed correct. With the purpose of providing maximum safety to the payment system, we use first line financial entities in electronic commerce. In this sense, the confidential information of the payment is transmitted in encrypted form to the corresponding financial entity.
The Customer recognizes and accepts that Pedro Domecq, S.A. de C.V. is not obliged to provide any proof of purchase, but only after verification and confirmation of the authorization referring to the payment made by the Customer.
8. Customer Information
To realize any purchase, the Customer must log in the webpage “https://www.bodegasdomecq.com””, and in conformity with the service to be acquired, provide the requested information at the moment of the purchase.
The moment in which you register in our safe server o make a purchase, your personal data, addresses, and those of your payment method, are incorporated to our database, being used only to process the purchase, as well as to send information regarding offers and products that may spark your interest.
For further information regarding your personal data you can access our Notice of Privacy.
9. Safety and Confidentiality:
The commercial transactions are realized in a safe server setting under SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and all communications are transmitted in encryption under a 128-bit code, which insures the highest communication safety level.
10. Restrictions to service sales:
There will be previous confirmation that the Customer is over 18 years of age.
11. Cancelations and Reimbursements
A cancelation will only proceed in the contracted date to be rescheduled according to availability.
PEDRO DOMECQ will only realize a cancelation when the following circumstances occur:
1.1. The communication for the cancelation be provided with at least 3 (three) natural days prior to the reserved date.
2. There is communication provided to our Customer Attention Service: This step is mandatory regardless of reason for cancelation.
It may be done by e-mail at emociones@pedrodomecq.com or through the web Support and Contact form or by phone by calling 646 255.22.49 o al 646103.36.85. Our hours of telephone attention are 10am- 14pm and 17:30pm to 19:30pm Monday to Friday.
IMPORTANT: Pedro Domecq will not return under any case the amount of the applied payment.
In case that the requested cancelation does not result applicable, Pedro Domecq will notify the Customer via email for its reasons.
12. Modification to terms and conditions
The right to modify the commercial offer presented in the webpage at any moment is reserved (modifications regarding, prices, promotions and other commercial and service conditions).
We make all the efforts to offer the information contained within the page in a truthful manner avoiding typographic errors. In case that at any moment a mistake of this type is produced, contrary to the will of Pedro Domecq, its correction will be immediately carried out.
If a typographical error should exist in any of the prices displayed and the Customer would have taken a decision based on such error, the Customer may cancel the purchase without cost to him/her.
The contents of the webpage https://www.bodegasdomecq.com” may on occasion, display provisional information regarding some services. In case the information provided does not correspond to the features of the service the Customer has the right to cancel the purchase without cost to him/her.
13. Customer Service:
If you have any questions, claim or clarification regarding our purchase system, write us an e-mail at emociones@pedrodomecq.com, or through the web form of Support and Contact or call us at 646 255.22.49 o al 646103.36.85. Our hours of telephone attention are 10am- 14pm and 17:30pm to 19:30pm Monday to Friday.
we'll be pleased to serve you.
Cookie Policy
We want to inform you in an accurate and clear manner about the cookies we use detailing as follows:
- What is a cookie?
- What is its function?
- Purpose of cookies
- How to disable their usage and delete the installed ones?
- What kind of cookies we use
1. What are cookies?
A cookie is a package of data that a web browser stores in an automatic manner in the user’s device whenever the user visits a webpage. The cookie is sent from the server to the webpage visitor.
2. What are cookies for?
Cookies allow a webpage, among other things, to store and recover information about the user or device’s navigation habits, and depending on the information they contain and the way the device is being used, they may be used to recognize the user.
Their purpose is mainly to identify the user storing his activity history within a specific webpage, so that offers can be made according to his habits.
Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, providing innumerable advantages in interactive service procurement, facilitating browsing and functionality in our web. In no case may cookies damage your device. By the contrary, the fact that they’re active allows us to identify and correct errors.
3. Purpose of cookies:
Cookies can collect information regarding your visits to our webpage, the frequency and duration of such, the pages visited and the time spent on our page. We inform you we may use cookies for the purpose of:
• Identifying errors and bettering our page.
• Provide a better experience using our page.
• Recognize you from other users.
In addition, we request your consent to use cookies that allow us to obtain further information regarding your preferences, customizing our page to your interests.
4. How to disable and delete installed cookies?
You can allow, block or disable installed cookies in you device by means of configuration or the options from the browser installed in your device. When disabling cookies, some available services may cease to operate.
The way to disable cookies is different for every browser, but normally it can be done from the menu, Tools or Options. You can also consult the Help menu in the browser to find instructions. The user may, at any moment choose which cookies should be working in this webpage.
These are the links that provide information about cookies in different browsers:
• Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias
• Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es
• Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
• Safari: https://support.apple.com/es-es/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
• Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/11.50/es-ES/cookies.html
5. Types of cookies :
Depending on who manages the device or dominion where cookies are sent and the data obtained is treated, we can distinguish:
- Owner cookies: those that are sent to the user’s device or dominion managed by the editor and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
- Third party cookies: Are those that are sent to the users device from an equipment or dominion that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through the cookies.
According to the purpose of the data obtained through cookies we find:
- Cookies técnicas: Technical cookies: Are those that allow the user to browse through a webpage, platform or application and the use of different options or services that exist within them, for example, control traffic and data communication, identify session, access parts of restricted access, remember the elements that conform an order, realize a purchase process, realize a register request or participation in an event, use safety elements during browsing, store contents for broadcasting of sound or video or share content through social media.
- Customized cookies: These cookies store the behavior of the users gathered through the continual observation of browsing habits, which allows developing a specific advertising profile of said users.
- Analysis cookies: those that treated by third parties or us, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out measurements and statistical analysis of the usage of offered services. For that we analyze their navigation within our page with the purpose of bettering the offer of products and services we offer.
- Advertising cookies: those that, treated by third parties or us, allow us to manage the most efficient possible offer of advertising spaces contained in the web page, adapting the content of the ad to the content of the service requested or the use of our page. For that we analyze browsing habits within the Internet and can display advertisements related to such.
Name of Cookie |
Duration |
Dominion |
User Consent content |
Management |
Data collected |
Purpose |
2 years |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Required |
Owner |
Browsing Data |
This cookie manages the user’s session within the webpage. It’s used to store the status of the http requests and the state of the session within the user’s browsing |
cookiesjsr |
1 year |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Required |
Owner |
Customization Data |
This cookie stores information relative to the customizing of the preferences of cookies, that is to say it stores the consent of the user for different cookies. |
gbcorp_legal_age |
1 month |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Required |
Owner |
Customization Data |
This cookie manages the validation preferences and age verification in the platform. It only activates if the “Remember me” box is checked "Recuerdame" |
_ga |
2 years |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Yield |
Third Party |
Browsing Data |
It’s used to identify users through the Google analytics tool. More information |
_gat_gtag_UA_[ID] |
1 minute |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Yield |
Third Party |
Browsing Data |
It’s used to identify users through the Google analytics tool. More information |
_gid |
24 hours |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Yield |
Third Party |
Browsing Data |
It’s used to identify users through the Google analytics tool. More information |
_fbp |
3 months |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Marketing |
Third Party |
Browsing Data |
Used by Facebook to provide a series of advertising products like bids in real time of third party advertisers. |
_grecaptcha |
1 year |
bodegasdomecq.com |
Yield |
Third Party |
Browsing Data |
Used by the GOOGLE RECAPTACHA service in the forms and to avoid SPAM. |